Ariassos Ancient City,Ariassos, Ancient, City, address, where, directions, locations, entrance, fee, working, visiting, days, hours
Ariassos Ancient City,Ariassos, Ancient, City, address, where, directions, locations, entrance, fee, working, visiting, days, hours
Ariassos Ancient City,Ariassos, Ancient, City, address, where, directions, locations, entrance, fee, working, visiting, days, hours

Ariassos Ancient City 2024 Visiting Hours : 

Open everyday

Ariassos Ancient City 2024 Working Days : 


Ariassos Ancient City 2024 Entrance Fee : 


Last Update : 2024-04-19

Ariassos was an ancient city located in what is now modern-day Turkey, in the region of Pisidia. It was founded in the Hellenistic period, and became an important city in the Roman period. The city was known for its impressive fortifications, which included a well-preserved city wall and towers.

The city of Ariassos had many public buildings such as theater, agora, and a Bouleuterion. The city was located at a strategic point, with a view of the Taurus Mountains, making it easy to defend. The city was also known for its production of wine, which was exported to other parts of the Roman Empire.

The ruins of Ariassos are still visible today and are open to visitors. It's a popular destination for tourists and history enthusiasts, where visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins of the city, including the city walls, the theater, the agora, and the public buildings. Ariassos is also known for its rock-cut tombs, which are rock-cut tombs carved into the cliffs, which are also open to visitors. Ariassos is also a great place to learn about the history and culture of the ancient world and its strategic location make it a great place to see the beautiful view of Taurus Mountains.