Museum of Lycian Civilizations,Lycian, Civilizations, Museum, address, where, directions, locations, entrance, fee, working, visiting, days, hours
Museum of Lycian Civilizations,Lycian, Civilizations, Museum, address, where, directions, locations, entrance, fee, working, visiting, days, hours
Museum of Lycian Civilizations,Lycian, Civilizations, Museum, address, where, directions, locations, entrance, fee, working, visiting, days, hours
Museum of Lycian Civilizations,Lycian, Civilizations, Museum, address, where, directions, locations, entrance, fee, working, visiting, days, hours

Museum of Lycian Civilizations 2024 Summer Period Visiting Hours : 

08:00 - 20:00 (1 April - 31 October)

Museum of Lycian Civilizations 2024 Winter Period Visiting Hours : 

08:00 - 17:00 (31 October - 1 April)

Museum of Lycian Civilizations 2024 Working Days : 


Museum of Lycian Civilizations 2024 Entrance Fee : 

90 ₺

Last Update : 2024-04-26

The museum is located in the ruins of Andriake Harbour of the ancient city of Myra, which is among the five largest cities of Lycia in Demre, Antalya. The museum building which was built as a granarium (granary) in 129 AD is itself a significant part of the Lycian history as well as the displays unearthed at the excavations of Lycian cities. Each artefact in the museum’s collection gives clues about the religious beliefs, economic and social lives of the Lycians. The museum halls are named after the cities of Myra, Patara, Xanthos, Tilos, Pınara, Olympus, Arykanda and Antiphellos which constitute the Lycian League.

Watching the informative video about the Lycian Civilisation will make the museum visit more appealing and interesting.

In the open air section of the museum are the remains of the harbour, bazaar, public bath and church, all of which were unearthed at the excavation works which continued for long years.